Student Loan Resolution
Navigate the Financial Challenge After Graduation.
When you are struggling with a student loan issue, you can usually tackle the problem by yourself. But sometimes, it pays to call in a professional.
An attorney with experience in how to handle the choppy financial waters after getting your degree can help you avoid complications.
Together we can evaluate your options for reducing or eliminating your student loan debt, reducing your student loan payments and curing any defaults.

Student Loan Resolution
Be Defended
During Default
Borrowers who default on private student loans have fewer options than those who default on federal loans. I can help mitigate or prevent those losses by defending you in court.
The Harassment
If your student loans are in collections, a debt collector can try to create a payment plan or extract full payment from you, sometimes by using aggressive tactics.
Deal With
If your alma mater intentionally misled you about potential job prospects after graduation, you may be eligible for loan cancellation.
Lower Or Eliminate
Student Loan Payments
Options are available to help reduce or eliminate federal student loans, reduce loan payments and cure defaults. Together we will find what is right for you.